Why Are My Copywriting Prices So High?

Price is a key factor in every business decision.

Because you want value for money. And you have to work to a budget.

So you won’t be surprised that I’ve been asked why my prices are so high.

In this post, I’ll answer the question. And show you how professional copywriting compares to other options.

What You Get From Using a Professional Copywriter

You’ve heard the phrase, you get what you pay for.

But what are you paying for with a professional copywriter?

A document of words?

Yes. But there’s more …

Professional copywriting is based on in-depth research. Written with clear messages to target the right emotions. And finished with a creative touch.

Because copywriting aims to get the reader to do something. So it’s judged by the impact it has on the reader.

The cheapest, fastest writing won’t give the same result.

I know what you’re thinking:

What does professional copywriting look like?

Words that Sell

Copywriting is marketing with words.

The words themselves form original content that persuades your readers to act on it.

And to do that, copywriters use a blend of research, psychology and writing. To hold your reader’s attention and lead them to take the action you want them to.

E.g. To email you, download your ebook, press your Buy Now button etc.

Personal Service

For something as important as your marketing, you want to know who’s writing it.

You don’t want your voice to get lost in translation, right?

With a professional copywriter, you know who you’re working with. For example, my clients only work with me throughout their project.

Your work won’t be farmed out to someone else. Someone you’ve never spoken to.

New Ideas

When you write about your own business, it’s hard to be objective.

You get caught up in the facts and features of what you offer. And talk about what’s important to you.

With a copywriter, you get a fresh view.

As an outsider, the copywriter can emphasise with your customers and focus on what matters to them. Making your content more effective.

Professional Advice

As well as words, copywriters can help in other ways.

For example, with website copywriting, you also get SEO help for your website.

As well as the words you see on a page or a blog post, there’s the “behind-the-scenes” detail too. Copywriters can write elements like meta descriptions which show in search engine results and help you get found.

Copywriters can also suggest changes to your page layout to make it more effective. Based on their experience with other businesses.

What’s the Average Rate for Copywriting?

ProCopywriters, the UK’s largest membership organisation for commercial writers, run a survey to find out how much copywriters charge.

But I charge a fixed project price for most of the work I do, rather than a day rate.

This lets you know at the start how much the copywriting will cost. So you can avoid the worry of an unknown bill at the end of the project.

What Are the Alternatives to a Professional Copywriter?

If you think a professional copywriter is too expensive for you, there are other options:

You Can Write the Content Yourself

If you want to keep it in-house you can do it yourself:


  • You’re in control of your writing
  • The writing will be in your voice
  • You save money


  • Your writing won’t be effective
  • It’s hard to be objective when you write about your own business
  • The cost of your time to draft, edit and rewrite

Someone Else in Your Business Can Write the Content

If you have a colleague or assistant, you could ask them to write your copy:


  • You’ve got some control of your writing
  • The writing may be in your business voice
  • You save money


  • A delay to other work while they write the content
  • The writing won’t be effective
  • It’s hard to be objective when you write about your own business

Hire Someone From an Online Marketplace or Agency

If you don’t want to use a professional copywriter you can look for an online marketplace or agency:


  • Cheaper than a professional copywriter
  • You won’t have to find time to write your own copy
  • Lots of companies offer cheap content


  • You don’t know who is writing your content so you can lose your voice
  • The writing won’t be as effective as professional content
  • With non-native English speakers, the quality will suffer

Why Should You Trust a Professional Copywriter?

Copywriters build their reputation on what they write and how they work with clients.

One of the best ways to check is to read what their clients say and the work they’ve done.

Because it’s always reassuring to hear other people’s experiences.

What’s more, the copywriter will allow a number of changes to be made as part of the price of the project.

So you have the chance to make sure you’re 100% happy with the final version.

In Summary

As a professional copywriter, you won’t get the lowest price by working with me.

But you will get the experience, knowledge and customer service you expect from a professional. That’s what you’re paying for.

Because when you want results, you hire a professional.


Photo by Lucas Clara on Unsplash


Rob Beadle

About the Author

Rob Beadle is a B2B tech copywriter and content marketer. He creates case studies for growing businesses worldwide, including tech companies, software firms and IT providers. Learn how to get your customers to agree to case studies with Rob’s free guide.

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