The Legacy Studio – Magazine Article

The Legacy Studio – Magazine Article

Magazine Article: The Legacy Studio The Brief: The Legacy Studio helps business owners plan for the future with Lasting Powers of Attorney, Wills and funeral plans. The project was to write a magazine article for the Dental Laboratories Association. Read the article...
Website Copy: Lookout IT Managed Services Provider (MSP)

Website Copy: Lookout IT Managed Services Provider (MSP)

Website Copy: Lookout IT Managed Services Provider (MSP) The Brief: Lookout provides IT Managed Services to small and medium-sized businesses. This project was to write new copy for the Website Hosting and About pages on Lookout’s website. And to create a new...
3M Buckley Innovation Centre Guest Blog Post

3M Buckley Innovation Centre Guest Blog Post

Portfolio – 3M Buckley Innovation Centre The Brief: 3M Buckley Innovation Centre is a business growth hub in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. It supports start-ups, SMEs and large corporates. This guest blog post was created to provide advice and tips on writing...