How to Win Your Customers Trust Online bear dressed as a doctor

How to Win Your Customers’ Trust Online: 3 Unusual Tips

Trusting someone you know and like is one thing.

But how do you win a customer’s trust when you’ve never worked with them. You’ve never met them. And they’ve never spoken to you?

That’s hard.

And the ‘C’ word has pushed even the most traditional organisations to try new forms of marketing.


Well, it’s been shown that people make decisions based on emotions. And that includes who you work with. So your gut tells you whether to trust someone. If you’re asked why you’ll come up with reasons to explain that feeling …

Perhaps you’ve worked with them before. Maybe you’ve been recommended to them. Or you’ve seen what they’ve done for other people.

But the truth is that your gut is the decision-maker, not your head.

So how do you get people to trust their instincts and to trust you?

Well, that’s where copywriting can help. Because the aim of copywriting is to get people to do something after they’ve read what you’ve written.

In this case, to trust you.

So read on to discover 3 copywriting techniques to help you trigger those emotions.

Tip 1) Imagine You’re a Doctor and Empathise with Your Customer

You don’t need to wear a white coat.

And you don’t need to have bad handwriting. But you do need to have a good bedside manner.

Because when you empathise with your customer, you’re showing them that you’re on their side.

And that’s essential to building trust.

Remember, the key question in your customer’s head when they read your marketing is “What’s in it for me?”

So if you talk about what matters to your customer and you understand the challenges they’re facing you’re off to a great start.

How do you do this?

Talk about the specific problems or worries that they’ve got. The more specific you can be the better. If you keep it vague, they’re less likely to believe that you really understand them.

Also, remember to use words like “you” and “your”, more than the words “we” or “our”. This shows you’re focused on the customer, it’s more engaging and it demonstrates your empathy.

Tip 2) Act like a Teacher and Educate Your Customer

Every year, Ipsos, the polling company, asks people which professions they trust the most.

Can you guess who comes bottom?

Politicians, government ministers and advertising executives. Probably no surprises there.

But it’s who comes top that’s much more helpful to us. After doctors and scientists, the next most trusted profession is teachers.

Think about that for a moment …

People trust those who share their knowledge to teach and educate us.

So that’s why creating and sharing educational content is a much more effective way to develop trust than just saying “buy my stuff”.

How can you put these ideas about teaching rather than selling into practice?

  • Create a ‘how-to’ guide on your website that teaches your customers how to fix a problem they face.
  • Publish an ebook or white paper that goes into more depth on your area of expertise.
  • And if you don’t have time to create content, direct your audience to valuable content that others have already written. Sharing content that someone else has created will also help to improve your customers’ trust in you.

Tip 3) Pretend You’re a Blue Peter Presenter and Show the Results of Your Work

Do you remember Blue Peter, the BBC children’s’ TV programme?

I must admit, I never got a Blue Peter badge. But when I was a kid I did try to make some of the things they created on the programme.

The presenter would always start by saying, “Here’s one I made earlier”. And show a fantastic finished item.


Firstly, so you’d think “I want one of those!”

But more importantly, so you believed you’d be able to achieve the same results too.

You can use this approach in your business. Don’t just tell your customers what you’ve done before, show them.

How do you do that?

Well, the best way is to let your previous customers show what you did for them. You can ask for a customer review or testimonial.

But the most persuasive method is to write a case study.

Because a case study is the whole business story of how you helped your customer. From the problems your customers faced and how you helped them. To the results you achieved and what difference it made to them.

Case studies help you to win your customers’ trust because our brains are hard-wired to follow stories. And because they use your customers’ own words. Which makes them more believable and trustworthy.

Technology Won’t Win Your Customers’ Trust

As businesses turn to online marketing you don’t need new technology to win over new customers.

There are some key ways to influence how your customers see you and your business. These copywriting tips have been around for decades but can be put to use right now.

Simply remember to imagine you’re a doctor and empathise with your customer. Act like a teacher and educate rather than sell. And pretend you’re a Blue Peter presenter, show the results you’ve already achieved.

Remember your customers will trust their instincts. And with the help of copywriting, you can persuade their instincts to trust you.

Rob Beadle

About the Author

Rob Beadle is a B2B tech copywriter and content marketer. He creates case studies for growing businesses worldwide, including tech companies, software firms and IT providers. Learn how to get your customers to agree to case studies with Rob’s free guide.

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