5 Ways a Blog Can Help Your Small Business Soar

Are you a blogger?

If you’re a small business owner you should also be a blogger.

But aren’t blogs for the corporate world? Or hobbyists with time on their hands?

Well, small businesses who have blogs receive 126% more lead growth than other small businesses.

With that kind of result, blogging can give your small business the edge.

So, how can a blog help your small business soar?

1. Make Your Blog the Cornerstone of Your Content Marketing


What is Content Marketing?

Well, according to the Content Marketing Institute:

“Instead of pitching your products or services, you are providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues.”

It’s a more subtle way to market your business than advertising or other self-promotion.

Blogs are an effective way to create content that’s tailored to your audience using the voice of your business.

The beauty of blogs is that they can work for you through different channels. From search engines to social media.

And as staple content for your email subscribers – these are the people who’ve chosen to get your content as soon as it’s available.

The reason blogs are the cornerstone of content marketing is that they can be transformed or repurposed into other forms of content.

A written blog post can be turned into an infographic, a video or an online course. This makes them ideal for sharing on social media.

2. Become a Problem-Solver for Your Visitors


Everyone does it.

You have a question or a problem and need a quick answer. So, you bring up a browser and type it into Google search.

It’s amazing the variety of questions people look to the internet to answer.

Do it for yourself – go to Google and start to type a question into the Search box.

You’ll see the suggestions to finish your question – all of which are based on the questions other people have asked.


Many of the results are blog posts. So, every time you click on one to find the answer you’re visiting someone’s blog.

Imagine how you could attract people to your website by solving their problems.

Let’s try something …

Think of a question that your customers ask you every day. The answer may seem obvious to you – it’s not obvious to your customers.

So, if they ask you, they’ll also ask Google.

You can help them out by answering their questions on your blog. In the process you’ll make them aware of what you do and how knowledgeable and helpful you are.

What better way to introduce your business to a potential customer?

3. Showcase Your Expertise (Without Being a Big Head)


Businesses used to say ‘try before you buy’.

However, these days people are more likely to ‘browse before you buy’.

Whatever you sell, you can be sure that your customers will do their own online research before buying.

How do you tap into that?

Well, a blog gives you the chance to show you know what you’re talking about. It lets you showcase your knowledge and experience.

As well as solving their problems, it’s a great way to demonstrate your expertise to potential customers.

You can use your blog to write about how you’ve helped clients. Or you could create a case study which applies your insights to a well-known company or individual.

Clearly, other elements of your website will also show your expertise – through your services page, client testimonials or industry qualifications. A blog provides a different angle to present your skills – in a less ‘salesy’ way.

If you create informative and interesting blog posts you won’t come across as a big head!


4. Get Found on Google – Don’t Be the Needle in the Haystack


Google loves blogs.

So, why isn’t this no.1 on this list?

Some people think this is the only reason you should have a blog. But, the most effective blogs are those written for real people – not search engines.

Whether you write blog posts yourself or someone writes them for you – it’s a long-term investment.

Blogs continue to draw people to your site long after they’ve been written. Whereas paid advertising is always finite – limited by the amount of money you’re able or willing to spend.

Have you seen Disney Pixar’s, Finding Dory? Dory’s parents plant stones, radiating from their home, so she can find her way back.

Blogs are like those stones.

Every blog post you publish creates an opportunity for people to find their way to your website. The more you publish, the more people will visit your site.

And as they do, the search engines will notice and your search results will improve.

5. Let Your Business Personality Shine Through


What do you bring to your small business that no one else can?

Your personality.

It’s a wonderful advantage you have as a small business owner. And a blog is the perfect platform for your unique voice.

You don’t have to listen to a corporate committee on what to say – you’ve got creative control and can use it to let your personality shine through.

As writer, editor and publisher you decide what goes in and what stays out of your blog. You’re not a corporate clone.

Are there controversies in your industry that you want to have a say on? Or do you have a unique point of view on the latest trends or a classic approach?

Your business blog gives you the space to stand out.

In Summary

Blogs are a key tool for small businesses who want to get noticed.

Posts can help potential customers by answering their questions and solving their problems. They’ll also give you interesting content to share on social media.

In a crowded internet, blogs boost your search results as you create new routes to your website.

Finally, blogs allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and experience, as well as your personality – an ideal way to promote your business.

Rob Beadle

About the Author

Rob Beadle is a B2B tech copywriter and content marketer. He creates case studies for growing businesses worldwide, including tech companies, software firms and IT providers. Learn how to get your customers to agree to case studies with Rob’s free guide.


  1. Richard Farnhill

    Rob as ever you provide clear, useful content.

    I particularly agree with the idea that you should write a blog for the benefit of the reader. Google follows on from that.

    • Rob

      Thank you Richard. Yes indeed, you should worry about your readers more than anything else.

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